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As trained First Nations ally with Evolve Communities, I am committed to supporting individuals and organisations to find their place as an ally. The Uluru Statement from the Heart asks us to walk with First Nations people in three ways; truth telling, ensuring the voice is heard and understood, and working towards a treaty. 


Many organisations have a RAP process, a method for creating a voice and truth telling. The danger is that it can slide into a tick box exercise without building individual people's cultural understanding of why this matters, and developing an understanding of the organisations role in truth telling and allyship.


Moment of Acknowledgement; we not only have permission, but have a responsibility to shift the moment of acknowledgement away from ticking the box to a genuine moment of joy, reflection, learning or truth telling.


Strategic Allyship; this is an approach to organisational allyship that looks at where your organisation's purpose and strategy aligns with the ask of the Uluru Statement of the Heart for truth, treaty and voice in order to create real change.


We can work together to get you ready (or accelerate capacity) to walk beside First Nations business, community and NFPs in allyship so you can go deeper than buying art, go deeper than an indigenous procurement plan and find your place in creating lasting change. 


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